Saturday, November 18, 2006

mis amores!
So this is the first time i've had email in like a month for more than 2 minutes but i wanted to say hey! i couldn't possibly try to update you on everything, but its amazing. My dad came for a few days in nicaragua it was the BEST and i met these crazy south african backpackers (and like every other nationality) and partied up on the beach for a few days and stood up on short board! (surfing) and stayed up all night and went skinny dipping a ton and tried to steal a boat! and went scuba diving and saw sea turtles and barricudas and million other things. After break we went to this cloud forest called monteverde with no electricty and freeeeeeezing water and it was so much fun. My friends bday was up there and we managed to trek in (by the way everything had to be hiked in on our backs for the week since the station was inaccessible by car or truck!) rum and cookies and had a crazy party for her. The forest was incredible, clouds all over the place, just walking through them. This past week we've been on an island in Nicaragua called Ometepe which was basically a semiactive volcano with a biological station on it, so just us learning about fish mostly. There was this incredible waterfall that we all went under naked...there will be pictures i promise, and it was just incredible! Now we're in Nicaragua and heading down to CR tomorrow where I'll have email again, but that's a quick update. Miss you all TONS and see you in a few weeks!
<3 Stephi


Anonymous said...

A few weeks? I thought you were there for a year...

David B

Anonymous said...

I miss you tons! I'm glad you're having fun. I'm getting a little nervous that Niger may be everything i've been wishing for but to the extreme. I may actually be cut off from the world. I will be living in a locked compound. No hot water. Very little alcohol. Limited access to computers and internet = meaning there is 1 to 2 computers there and i don't bring my laptop. It'll be interesting. I'm still excited just overwhelmed...a ton a ton.
Love you tons and can't wait to see you.
